during pregnancy your weight will increase about 50 pounds.especially with a newborn at home, little to no sleep and not a spare second to exercise. Here are a few ways to lose those stray pregnancy pounds without really trying.
1-Breastfeeding can help you drop pregnancy pounds rather quickly. While nursing moms need about 300 extra calories a day to breastfeed, those calories and possibly more will be consumed by baby. During pregnancy your body stores extra fat in anticipation of lactation. Breastfeeding helps burn the extra fat more quickly. If you're breastfeeding you'll probably be watching your diet, which again, will help you limit your caloric intake.
2-If you baby's nursery is on the second floor keep all the diapers, wipes, and clothes up there. That way, you'll be forced to take the stairs when baby needs to be changed.
3-Take your baby for a stroll around the neighborhood or park. Walking will help you get back into shape after having a baby. Once your doctor clears you, you can even jog, just make sure your baby is old enough to be in a jogging stroller (usually around 5 months).
4-Carry the car seat. Car seats can be rather heavy. Lugging the infant carrier around with your child in it will no doubt tone your arms and help you burn a few extra calories.